What a fantastic season it’s been!  

Those of us in the team old enough to remember it have been reminiscing about the mythical 1976 when the days stretched out balmy and boiling in front of us and we had nothing else to think about but which shady woods we were going to play in that day, whether it was Monster Munch or Twiglets in our packed lunch and what flavour Ice Pop we’d be allowed to cool us down when we got home.  Happy days…!

Completing tree works on some days at 30+ degrees of heat, has been, it’s fair to say, quite a trial!  

The Personal Protective Equipment that the team must wear to keep them safe is also designed to keep the wearer warm in Arctic conditions!  Heavy chainsaw trousers made of Kevla-like chainmail to stop a saw going through them; heavy rigid chainsaw boots, helmets with full face visors and ear defenders and gloves all add up to a recipe for heatstroke, especially when paired with the sheer physical effort involved in the job.

What a bunch of proper troopers they are though!  With a combination of shade maximisation, plentiful fluid intake and strategic use of the youngest and fittest doing the most strenuous jobs, there have been one or two (understandably) exhausted casualties but no serious losses.  Normal service has wisely slowed down on the hottest days but no customers have been let down and the stream of “normal” work involving both planned and emergency jobs has continued as usual.


For a free site visit and quote for tree works even on the hottest days, call Andrew on 07771 883061, 01256 817369 or email him at Andrew@PrimaryTreeSurgeons.co.uk