On almost every quote we write, there will be a specification to “process the arisings”…and by that, we mean cut up, move and remove from site the cut timber, brush, branches, foliage and clippings that we prune, fell, cut or trim.
This part of the work is usually at least half the time of the job, and sometimes more, depending on how much there is to process and remove. In this case, a large Ash tree, affected by Chalara Ash Dieback Disease, has resulted in substantial arisings, and will take a team considerable time to cut up into manageable chunks, move, chip and clear up.
Our aim is to leave the site looking clean and tidy. After all, this is almost always the thing that most customers notice first, and comment on.
We rely on winches, rolling bars, chippers, blowers and good old-fashioned rakes and brooms to help in this work, along with solid physical hard work. It’s where we focus some of our best efforts to help the team manage the manual handling risk, and we’ve recently brought in arb trucks to make the lifting and carrying easier for everyone.
We take almost all of the arisings we remove to a licensed green waste site in Hampshire. There is a cost to dispose of things ethically, and this forms part of the relative price of the job. Those that don’t make it to the green waste site are removed to and donated to local allotment sites, charity gardens and play schemes throughout Basingstoke, and of course, some customers want to keep their own arisings for their own use.

For advice and a quote for work to your trees, call Andrew on 01256 817369, 07771 883061 or email him Andrew @primarytreesurgeons.co.uk