It’s been a busy start to 2024 and so far, we’ve been broadly lucky with the daytime weather; cold and dry suits us well and though we have responded to some urgent, safety-related tree work caused by seasonal storms, we’ve also been able to progress the planned schedule of work.
We recently spent a week in the West, working on various sites in Somerset, Bristol and Wiltshire. Amongst them, a job to prune a lovely row of 30-year-old Hornbeam trees outside the Magistrates Court.
As the first time these trees had been pruned, our job was to maintain the uniformity of the row, keeping a consistent shape and form in the trees.
Working from a Mobile Elevated Working Platform and combination of powered and hand saws, and crown lifted the widest bottom branches to reduce the crown width at the widest point, and pruned to remaining crown by between 1 and 1.2m, maintaining the natural teardrop shape of the species.
The trees will benefit from being pruned on a cyclical basis every 4-5 years to maintain their shape.

For advice on pruning your trees, or a quote for tree work, call Andrew on 01256 817369 or 07771 883061, or email him at