The Autumn’s with us now and we’re completing the last of the hedge trimming until next season; we’ve been reflecting on how fortunate we are to work in a job where there is so much variety and every day is different.
Hedge reduction and cutting makes up a good part of our workload in season; like regularly-mown grass, when your hedges look well-groomed and managed, they make a disproportionately big positive impact on the whole look of the garden.
All of our Groundsmen are skilled with the powered hedge trimmer; it’s quite a job to manhandle this heavy bit of kit and get a good clean and straight finish on an overgrown hedge. With these Thuja or Leylandii, it’s important not to cut beyond the green face, because the plant often won’t recover, and the hedge is left with dead patches in it.
If you’d like a quote to reduce, tidy or maintain your hedges, call Andrew on 01256 817369, 07771 883061 or email him at