Who would have though just a few short weeks ago that we would have made so many changes in our lives.  We very much hope that you and yours are well and coping with the new emerging order.

Like so many others, most of our team members are furloughed at home.  We are operating with a skeleton crew and for the next few weeks, we are focusing on emergency or urgent safety-related tree works and those jobs where there is no-one else on site – the photos below show Andrew, Tom and Terry felling a heavily decayed Robinia tree standing in the communal gardens of a retirement development just yesterday. 

Luckily we can continue to quote for all works with absolutely no direct contact with cusomters – we’ve had a few converstions through windows over the last week or so!  It hasn’t been an easy decision for us as a small business to ask people to go home for the next 3 weeks.  Certainly, we have fewer risks to manage than those who work in an indoor office environment, but we want to be part pf the solution and understand that some customers don’t want us on site at the moment.  There is a great deal of unerstandable fear and anxiety in the world right now.   It’s driven us to pick up old and new areas of work: Andrew is back out in his rope and harness, a role he thought he had mainly left behind!  We are using the time to refresh some policies and procedures, not the most exciting aspect of small business life but useful nonetheless.  And like everyone else we are working hard to keep our great team engaged and up-to-speed with regular communications and updates.   Amidst all the worry and anxiety, we’re trying to notice and try to enjoy the small stuff.  We’re continuing to get outdoors whenever we can and if we can’t to look at images of natural world beauty.  We’ve written before on the power of the biophillia effect (the positive psychological impact of being in nature) and it’s more important than ever now. 

Wishing all of our followers, customers and readers well.  If you would like Andrew to come out to you and look at and tree works you are considering, he can do this with no direct contact with you.  Email him Andrew@primarytreesurgeons.co.uk, call on  01256 817369 or 07771 883061.  News and updates on Twitter @primarytreesurg