Jan 5, 2018
At Primary Tree Surgeons, we’re proud supporters of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust, and have been pleased to be able to help out with tree works occasionally. The blog sums up what we all know intuitively – that being outside in nature is...
Nov 30, 2017
We received a call 10 days ago (this, written on 10th November, just before the annual Service of Remembrance) from a longstanding customer in Richmond Terrace, Whitehall, worried about the impact of the large Plane trees on the broadcaster’s equipment. We...
Nov 5, 2017
Over half (51%) of small and medium sized businesses in the UK have been targeted by crime, costing owners up to £25m – or £2,625 for every crime. The study of 500 small to medium business owners, commissioned by independent charity Victim Support and security firm...
Oct 5, 2017
Best practice, supported by the Health and Safety Executive, suggests that we should refresh our training every five years to ensure that we are up-to-date with new ways of doing things and don’t become complacent about safety standards. We fully support regular...
Aug 5, 2017
In an old-growth forest you are surrounded by death and dying. More than likely, you’re tripping over it, you’re marveling at the weird growths on trees, you’re listening to the hammering of woodpeckers, without knowing how much death you’re actually witnessing....
Jul 5, 2017
The Chief Plant Health Officer has confirmed that Sweet chestnut blight has been found in East London. Action is being taken to identify and control the disease in line with the Government’s plant disease contingency plans. The Animal and Plant Health...
Jun 5, 2017
We’re lucky to enjoy a wide variety of different work in practical tree surgery. One of the things customers often want to know is whether their trees are healthy. This is especially important where the trees are important features in the landscape,...
May 5, 2017
While some people think that the really glamourous bit of tree surgery is done by the tree surgeons when they’re working at height, the bit that customers see first and often value most is the way that the job is cleared up afterwards. It’s what we receive most...
Apr 5, 2017
Today, it feels like Spring might be just round the corner. Apart from the snowdrops and crocuses making an appearance, there was that indefinable scent of new season and definitely a cooing of pidgeons to be heard in the early morning, a sure sign that winter...
Mar 5, 2017
In January we said goodbe to JB, who decided that tree surgery wasn’t for him in the long term. He came to us as a friend of a friend and followed a apprenticeship leading to a level 2 Diploma Trees and Timber, at Sparsholt College. At college for one day...