Tree Disease

Tree Disease Thankfully this limb failure caused no real damage to people or to the adjoining property, but this is a good example of how unnoticed tree disease can have a serious impact.In this case, a limb had broken away and failed because the tree was riddled with...

What is Honey Fungus?

Honey Fungus Honey fungus is the common name given to several different species of fungi (Armillaria) that attack and kill the roots of many woody and perennial plants. The most characteristic symptom of honey fungus is white fungal growth between the bark and wood...

When it Pays to Check your Trees

Thankfully, it’s not a very common occurrence to have a neighbour’s  tree land unexpectedly on your house as this one did for a customer in October.  But a nasty shock and an unexpected bill it turned out to be none-the-less. A tree belongs to and is the...

MEWPS – What and Why?

MEWP stands for Mobile Elevated Working Platform and is also sometimes referred to as a cherry- picker, a hoist or a platform.  MEWPs that are used by tree surgeons come truck-mounted, static or on tracks like this one, making them easier to manoeuvre into place....

Wind Wind Blow Away!

Let’s now speak too soon, but the weather appears finally to be settling down and we hope you’re all safe and sound. It’s been an incredibly busy time for us and all our tree surgery colleagues all over the country on the back of the storms.  We’re very grateful...

One of the Best Bits about being a Tree Surgeon

…is the sheer beauty of nature and the pleasure of being surrounded by the natural stuff, most days, every day. Even though as the weather’s changing there is something very powerful about being out and amongst the natural world.  It’s a recognized phenomenon,...

Why we Mind about Tree Surgery

Tree surgery – why we do mind Trees represent something primal in some of us.  Whilst working on some lovely Lime trees in Canterbury recently, we spent quite a lot of time reassuring, and indeed comforting, a passerby who was concerned about the work....

After the Storm

Primary Tree Surgeons – After the Storm! Well, the storm at the end of October certainly threw the planned work schedule out of the window!Thanks to the handful of very understanding customers who had to wait a day or two longer for us to arrive – your patience...


Topping – Why we Don’t Do it! Advice from Primary Tree Surgeons The expression to “top” a tree means to cut the tree’s branches off to the same length, flat across the top a bit like a crew cut for the tree.  With an understandable lack of technical...

Primary Tree Surgeons to the (Animal) Rescue!

What an interesting month it was in September…   We’ve been 30 years in the job and can only remember one animal rescue in all that time but in the space of a week we’ve done the right thing by two very different furry and feathered friends. This beautiful Harris...