May 5, 2016
We are very pleased to work for a broad base of customers across North Hampshire and beyond, many of whom have been asking us to help with their tree, hedge and large garden works for many years. Occasionally, someone asks us to help out with a more creative way of...
Apr 5, 2016
We saw this lovely article first published in The Guardian’s Country Diary in 1916 and share some of it here. Much of the care and consideration for the tree has stayed the same, though the methods we employ these days have been updated somewhat! We still...
Mar 5, 2016
New York’s Cities and Parks Department recently published a figure that suggested they had calculated a benefit of $122m to the people of New York City from the trees there. We have written previously about the enormous value of the biophillic effect caused by...
Feb 5, 2016
2015 has been a very significant year for us in terms of training, ad we’re delighted about it! We always look to invest in training the team, and with a new starter and an apprentice for the first time ever at Primary Tree Surgeons in 2015, this year has been...
Jan 5, 2016
We do love to talk about the weather, and, writing this blog just one week into January, when we should be shivering in bleak winter conditions, it’s difficult not to get over-excited about early signs of Spring! During one of our long regular walks between Christmas...
Nov 5, 2015
The Autumn’s with us now and we’re completing the last of the hedge trimming until next season; we’ve been reflecting on how fortunate we are to work in a job where there is so much variety and every day is different. Hedge reduction and cutting makes up a good...
Oct 5, 2015
Aside from the occasional work experience student, for whom we have arranged a taster week in our company, it’s generally just too dangerous to have youngsters around who aren’t properly trained and equipped. We’re also governed by wildlife legislation that...
Sep 5, 2015
Controversial and unneighbourly, or excellent coverage providing vital privacy – what‘s your view? We try not to get too involved in the arguments for and against these fast growers, but have found ourselves felling and hard pruning more and more Cupressus varieties...
Aug 5, 2015
We were sad to learn about the collapse of one of the oldest trees in England, in Leicestershire, following some bad weather. There was also some recent news about the impending death of one of the oldest Yews in Wales, but, like the periodical stories...
Jul 5, 2015
The small business that Andrew set up all those years ago has grown into a small, dedicated and team of climbers and groundsmen. We’re on the lookout for a new climber to join the team and continue with the training of two others who have started on the ground...