Funky Funghi

We found this fabulous funghi just like this on dead wood at our yard this week. Called Coral Spot because after affected branches die they develop pinhead-sized coral-pink fungal pustules, is a disease caused by the fungus Nectria cinnabarina. It causes die-back of...

Hidden Decay

We have many, many repeat customers whose trees we have been looking after for nearly twenty years.  Most of our customers love their trees and because of that, know when there have experienced a physical change that might need a little more investigation. ...

Checking Trees

We’ve blogged about this before, but going into winter when the rougher weather might have an impact on your trees, now is a good time to do a simple, practical check on your trees to see whether there is a case for a further professional opinion. Prevention of tree...

Conkers Under Threat

If Ash Dieback (Chalara) wasn’t enough to make the tree-lovers amongst us feel concerned, it has now been reported that the Conker tree, is under attack.  This, from The Independent on October 18th 2016:The horse chestnut leaf miner moth, which first...

Working Outside

It can be a tempting proposition when you’re “trapped” In an office to romanticise the realities of working outside.  On a Spring day when the blossom is out, there’s a small cooling breeze and sunshine aplenty, it’s certainly the best job in the world. When it’s...

MEWP Value

In this picture, we had been asked to fell a large Cupressus tree which had become loose in the ground at the root plate.   This isn’t unusual in conifer species.  They are not particularly deep-rooted, and sadly they are often poorly planted, with no proper...

Ancient Trees

We had reason (all work no play, etc,) to be on the golf course at The Rolls at Monmouth earlier in the year, and were very impressed with the beautiful course in immaculate grounds. We Tweeted on or two pictures of the majestic ancient trees that line the course and...

Sharpening the Saw

Abraham Lincoln was quoted as saying “If I had eight hours to cut down a tree, I’d spend six of them sharpening my saw”.  It’s a saying that seems particularly (and literally) pertinent in our line of work! Good practice in tree surgery requires us to make sure...

Spring 2016

There has been something magical about Spring blossom this year, and no doubt you have been out and about enjoying it too.   We found out way back to Sulham Woods near Tilehurst in Reading, a small but well established patch of mixed woodland that one of our...

Some Great Requests

We are very pleased to work for a broad base of customers across North Hampshire and beyond, many of whom have been asking us to help with their tree, hedge and large garden works for many years. Occasionally, someone asks us to help out with a more creative way of...