2015 has been a very significant year for us in terms of training, ad we’re delighted about it!  We always look to invest in training the team, and with a new starter and an apprentice for the first time ever at Primary Tree Surgeons in 2015, this year has been an official Year of Learning for us!

Tree Surgery is a wide discipline; those of us in this work need to (try and) keep up-to-date with a broad range of knowledge and practice improvements, and the only way to do that is to keep learning, right across the team.

Whilst we have many years of operational experience, it’s always great to get back to the classroom (or field, often, in our case), and think about how and why we do what we do,  listen and learn from the experts and improve our day-to-day practice as a result.

As well as lots of on-the-job learning from real day-to-day experience, this year we’ve sent members of the team on formal accredited training to use mobile platforms; to become aerial rescuers in case of injury by the climber in the tree; to refresh their First Aid Skills; to improve their background Arboricultural Knowledge; to diagnose pests and diseases and their impact on trees; to learn about the ip[act out work has on wildlife and how we can minimise that whilst still getting the job done; and to undertake formal tree inspection as the thoughtful group of trainees in the picture below shows!So, 2016 might not be quite so busy with off-the-job training, but we’re nurturing a healthy intention to find ways to improve what we do and to keep learning as a whole team.

Do you need some advice or a quote for work on your trees from a well-trained team?  To talk to Andrew call him on 01256 817369, 07771 883061 or email him at andrew@primarytreesurgeons.co.uk