Spring time and the focus is on tidying the garden, pruning and planting. Hedge cutting and trimming is a year-round activity but it’s rare that we work on hedges of this size! This job involved three huge Leylandii hedges spanning several hundred meters of hedge line and c. 80 mature trees.
The trees hadn’t been touched for thirty years but the time had come for the tenants at this industrial site to reinstate them to a more manageable level.
Using a MEWP (Mobile Elevated Working Platform), we reduced the height by about 50% and cut back the faces as hard as we could without losing the green cover: Though the are billed as thugs, Leylandii, like many Cupressus varieties, are actually quite sensitive and won’t regrow once cut beyond the green.
There are quite a few challenges on a job like this: Keeping your eye in for nice straight top takes a bit of practice, and there was certainly a bit of chip to shift on this job!
For advice and a quote for works to your trees and hedges, call Andrew on 01256 817369, 07771 883061 or email him: Andrew@primarytreesurgeons.co.uk Twitter: @PrimaryTreeSurg