Recent storms have seen us juggling the scheduled works to respond to urgent or even emergency works where trees have been windthrown, torn or damaged by the high winds. Hampshire trees certainly felt the brunt of Storm Ciara in February, the result of which was a sad loss of life for one local family and our hearts go out to them.
In the case below, a Mountain Ash had been windthrown and lifted at the root plate. The tree is in a walking spot in woodlands at a lovely Youth Hostel location, so the clients were kleen to ensure that it was made safe enough for walkers and children paying on it.
Felling a tree in this position requires a thoughtful approach to avoid the risk of a “Barber Chair”. This is when the trunk splits if the tension in the timber is released too quickly (for example, by putting the normal single starting cut into it). If this happens, the split length of trunk can whip up very quickly under enormous pressure and is potentially extremely dangerous. In cases like this, the arborist will release the tension in the timber by making a series of cuts to ensure that the trunk doesn’t deliniate in that way. Have a tree downs in the storms? It pays to get an expert.
For advice and a quote for works to your trees and hedges, call Andrew on 01256 817369, 07771 883061 or email him: Twitter: @PrimaryTreeSurg