With a spare hour in town in May, we had the opportunity to meander around a little section of Regents Park and what a delight it was!  We were lucky enough to see a Tulip Tree, rarely seen out in flower, in full bloom!


There are so many wonderful trees and plants throughout the park, many of which have been thoughtfully managed for the long term despite fungal infection and decay, even where they are close to heavily used pedestrain areas.  

We could learn a great deal from the policy in many European countries, where mature and over-mature trees are maintained through judicious pruning and widespread use of pollarding.  This old technique enables the trees to remain in situ in urban and amenity landscapes, balancing the risk of failure with all the benefits that come from having trees in our everyday lives.

For advice and a quote for works to your trees, call Andrew on 01256 817369, 07771 883061 or email him: Andrew@primarytreesurgeons.co.uk