It can be a tempting proposition when you’re “trapped” In an office to romanticise the realities of working outside. On a Spring day when the blossom is out, there’s a small cooling breeze and sunshine aplenty, it’s certainly the best job in the world.
When it’s howling a gale, though, and slating rain is falling horizontally, we can’t do much tree work at height for obvious safety reasons.
However, it is often possible to dig, grub, plant and clear, and so where we can, we try to keep going so that the service we’ve committed to isn’t compromised too far for customers who are waiting. There aren’t too many completely “rained off” days in our business, even if we have to finish early.If you’re looking to get into tree surgery or skilled grounds work, you can’t mind mud, wet clothes and a constant feeling of gently steaming in them in this game! The photo below shows one of the trucks acting as an “airer” for some of the kit that got a soaking last week.
For advice and information about your trees, or for a written detailed quote for tree work, call Andrew on 01256 817369, 07771 883061 or email him at