Aside from the occasional work experience student, for whom we have arranged a taster week in our company, it’s generally just too dangerous to have youngsters around who aren’t properly trained and equipped.  We’re also governed by wildlife legislation that requires us to be mindful about protecting animals, especially the endangered species.

But the animals don’t seem to have read it, and we’ve had some wonderful moments of ovine, bovine and equine involvement as we’ve arrived or finished on site.

There were the grazing sheep keeping the churchyard grass level down, who needed very little convincing to stay clear of the work exclusion zone and hid unsocially from us, and the badgers for whom we had to buy special quiet saws so we could work next to their run.  And there have been countless nesting chicks that have been left in peace while we rearrange THE ENTIRE WORK SCHEDULE whilst they grow feathers and learn to fly (we really don’t mind, honest…) and the ponies and horses that can’t resist coming to see what we’re doing.

If you have cats, dogs, frogs or horses, we will find a way to work on your trees and hedges with great respect to their safety, privacy and comfort.  For advice and a free quote, contact Andrew on 01256 817369 or 07771 883061 or email him at