The Joy of Mulch!
As you might imagine, at Primary Tree Surgeons we generate an enormous amount of wood chip.
Most of our customers ask us to chip away and remove all the brush from the tree work they commission. Far from being a nuisance waste product, wood chip has lots of great uses.
Over about six months, it decays to a rich mulch that can be used in all sorts of planting to nurture the soil, maintain hydration in hot weather and keep the weeds down. Wood chip also makes a great surface for various different uses, and we’re able to supply it (free) to many local organizations, including:
• All the local Basingstoke allotment holders, to help keep the weeds down and nurture their veg, fruits and flowers
• A play scheme, who use it to keep the wild areas safe for the children to use
• A riding stable, who use it on the gallops, and to help keep the ground free from water logging
Wood chip will turn into mulch in six short months. Mulching helps to retain water and suppress weed growth:
• Mulching with wood chip or leaf mould around the base of a tree helps to reduce weeds (which compete for water and nutrients)
• Mulch greatly reduces water evaporation from the soil, so helps to retain moisture. Mulch also gradually fertilises the tree
• Often mulch is even more important than watering because the effects are more lasting
• Hemp or plastic mulch mats are sometimes used rather than, or as well as, woodchip
Our top tips for mulching
• Mulch should be partially composted. If it’s too fresh it will leach nitrogen from the soil as it decomposes. 6-month-old woodchip is ideal
• Remove weeds or grass growing close to the tree. These compete with the tree for water and nutrients
• Place the mulch in a mound about 1m (3ft) in diameter around the tree. Don’t pile it up against the tree in a cone: create a donut shape with a hollow in the centre at the base of the trunk. This is to stop the base of the tree rotting or putting out roots above ground
• The mulch should have a maximum depth of about 10–15cm (4–6in). Any deeper and it could generate too much heat as it decomposes and damage the tree’s roots
• It’s always better to mulch onto damp soil
Do you, or your local organization, need wood chip? Call Andrew on 01256 817369 or 07771 883061 for a delivery.