Maintaining Newly Planted Trees

Winter is the best time to plant new tree stock (and rootball should always go into the ground before the end of February), but planting isn’t the end of the job.  

All newly-planted trees need  a little ongoing maintenance,  so if you’ve been planting over the winter season, here are our top tips for looking after your new trees:
•    For the first 2-3 years, new trees should be watered at the beginning of the growing season (April/May) and regularly throughout the summer.  If there is little rain during hot weather, trees will need even more water

•    A new standard tree should have about 30 litres (6 gallons) a day in the spring and the same during any dry period throughout the summer.   If there is a lot of rain, watering can be reduced but should be increased in hot and sunny conditions.  Watering regularly for the first year will greatly reduce later problems

•    Leaves vary between species but generally a healthy tree will have a full crown of large, firm, green leaves.  Symptoms of drought include unusually small leaves; few leaves; yellow or brown leaves (right); drooping or brittle leaves; blistered or cracking bark.  Ultimately a tree suffering from drought will shed all its leaves to save water

•    Ideally a new tree should be watered before it shows any signs of drought.  The longer it is left, the harder it is to repair the damage

•    In particularly dry conditions, and/or on an “investment” tree, you might want to fit a root drencher.  This is a plastic box fixed between the stake and the tree.  This has a hole at the top and it can quickly be filled with 20 litres (4 gallons) of water.   Soil in the base of the box allows the water to seep gradually down to the tree’s roots

•    Otherwise, water directly at the base of the tree to ensure the water reaches the roots.  If the ground is very dry, you may have to water very slowly to stop it running off.  Once the soil is damp, the water will penetrate better.  Mulch helps contain water close to the tree

•    Watering early or late in the day reduces water lost by evaporation.


Keep your eyes open for:

•    Trees in need of watering (see symptoms of drought, above)
•    Trees and stakes that are loose and need re-staking
•    Damaged guards
•    Trees rubbing on their guards or stakes
•    Tree ties that have come loose or are too tight
•    Broken branches that need trimming
•    A scar from a rubbing guard which could leave the tree open to disease

Looking for new trees?  We can supply, plant, mulch and stake for you.  Call Andrew on 01256 817369 or 07771 883061.