Why Are Trees So Important?
Whilst completing some maintenance pruning on a Sycamore at a town-centre customer site recently, we were regularly interrupted by a lovely, curious 7 year old, hoping to be able to “help”!
Sadly the work is too dangerous to have young helpers, but the conversations we had with him during the day left everyone on our team reminded and re-inspired about the purpose of tree surgery in looking after the environment around us.
So What Do Trees Do?
Trees Absorb Air Pollution
- Trees absorb carbon dioxide as part of photosynthesis and so reduce greenhouse gases that cause global warming
- They also remove harmful particulates (dust, diesel exhaust solids, etc.) which cause asthma and other respiratory problems. Lime and Sycamore trees are especially good at this because of the hairs and Honey Dew on their leaves. (Aphids drink sap from the leaves and secrete Honey Dew)
Trees Moderate Temperatures
- In summer trees keep us cool by providing shade from the sun’s rays
- They also actively cool the air as water evaporates from their leaves during transpiration
- In winter trees keep us warm because wind chill is reduced as trees obstruct and slow the air
- When they’re in leaf, trees interrupt sound waves travelling through them, thus reducing noise pollution
- The rustling of leaves in the wind also creates a natural background noise
Trees Make You Feel Better
- Though we wouldn’t necessarily suggest you hug a tree (though please do if the fancy takes you), studies have shown that people in hospital get better more quickly if they can see trees outside. The “biophilia effect” also suggests that there is a positive link to health and wellbeing if we can see and be around trees and the rest of the natural world
- We are all influenced by our environment. Trees can make you feel calmer whereas traffic can generate anxiety
The longevity of trees helps us to connect to the past. Trees live much longer than us – some for as long as 1000 years. The natural processes of leaf growth, flowering, fruiting and leaf fall connect us with the cycle of the year
Do your trees need some TLC? Call Andrew on 01256 817369 or 07771 883061 for a free consultation and a detailed quote.